星期六, 十二月 16, 2006

Free Math eBooks-免费的数学电子书下载

  1. Introduction to Probability [pdf] 概率引言
  2. Mathematical Background: Foundations of Infinitesimal Calculus [pdf] 数学背景:微积分基础
  3. The Calculus Bible [pdf]  积分宝典
  4. Basic Concepts of Mathematics [pdf] 数学基本概念
  5. An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers [pdf] 数理论概论
  6. Introduction to Tensor Calculus and Continuum Mechanics [pdf] 张量演算和连续介质力学引言
  7. Mathematical Analysis I [pdf] 数学分析
  8. Elementary Calculus: An Approach Using Infinitesimals [pdf] 初等演算:用无穷小逼近
  9. Multivariable Calculus [pdf] 多元微积分
  10. Chaos and Random Number Generation [pdf] 混沌和随机数生成
  11. Introduction to Probability Theory [pdf] 概率论简介
  12. Calculus - One-Variable Calculus, with an Introduction to Linear Algebra [pdf] 积分-一个变量积分,线性代数概论
  13. Introduction to Methods of Applied Mathematics or Advances Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers [pdf] 应用数学或者科学和工程中的数学方法进展简介
  14. Tables of Integrals and other Mathematical data [pdf] 数学积分表及其他数据
  15. Random Generators and Normal Numbers [pdf]随机数产生器和普通数
  16. Prime Percolation [pdf] 素数的渗透
  17. Prime Numbers with a Fixed Number of One Bits or Zero Bits in Their Binary Representation [pdf] 固定的一比特或零比特的素数的二进制表达
  18. Perturbation Theory of Dynamical Systems [pdf] 动力系统的摄动理论
  19. On Fourier and Zeta(s) [pdf] 关于傅立叶和Zeta
  20. Newton's Formula and the Continued Fraction Expansion of sqrt(d) [pdf] 牛顿公式和平方根的连续分数扩展
  21. Linear Algebra [pdf] 线性代数
  22. Linear Algebra - Answers [pdf] 线性代数--答案
  23. Sums of Squares, Cubes, and Higher Powers [pdf]正方形、正方体和更高维数的计算
  24. Computing A Glimpse of Randomness [pdf] 计算随机性一瞥
  25. Computing the Generating Function of a Series Given its First Few Terms [pdf]给定开始项的生成函数系列的计算
  26. Asymptotic Behavior of Excitable Cellular Automata [pdf] 活跃细胞自动机渐近行为
  27. An Efficient Algorithm for Computing the Ith Letter of phi^n(a) [pdf]计算phi的高效算法
  28. Algebraic Topology [pdf]代数拓扑学
  29. A Practical Version of the Generalized Lagrange Algorithm [pdf]实用版广义拉格朗日算法
  30. Math Book in progress [pdf]数学书进度

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