星期三, 十二月 19, 2007

玛丽.丘蒙德莉 Mary Cholmondeley

Red Pottage (1899)

Prisoners (1906)

玛丽.丘蒙德莉(Mary Cholmondeley)(生于1859年6月8日–1925年7月15日去世 ) 英国女作家。

在《受刑人的心灵鸡汤》(Chicken Soup for the Prisoner's Soul)她中写道:

"Every year I believe I am more convinced that the waste of life lies in the love we have not given; the powers we have not used; the selfish prudence that will risk nothing, and with shirking pain, misses happiness as well." Mary Cholmondeley.


* The Danvers Jewels (1886)
* Sir Charles Danvers (1889)
* Let Loose (1890)
* Diana Tempest (1893)
* Devotee : An Episode in the Life of a Butterfly (1897)
* Red Pottage (1899)
* Prisoners (1906)
* The Lowest Rung (1908)
* Moth and Rust (1912)
* After All (1913)
* Notwithstanding (1913)
* Under One Roof (1917)

Red Pottage在线阅读:http://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/c/cholmondeley/mary/red/
Red Pottage电子书下载:http://www.box.net/shared/zevio2t4pk